At the Forefront of EO Imaging Innovation
Advanced EO Systems, Inc. provides state-of-the-art imaging systems, positioners and components for use in military, aerospace, and commercial applications.
We specialize in development and integration of electro-optical (EO) and infrared (IR) sensor systems and systems for space, airborne, ship and land-based applications that incorporate the latest infrared and image-intensified cameras, lasers, and laser rangefinders.
AEO provides innovative and cost-efficient solutions to support the most complex electro-optical imaging applications, utilizing modular system design that is easy to integrate, configure, upgrade, and service. Our products include the design and manufacturing of high-precision two-axis stabilized gimbals, two-axis low-cost gimbals, EO-IR system integration, COTS EO-IR long range mobile force protection and coastal border solutions, laser systems fabrication, and full high definition (HD) IR (full HD Visible) EO tracking systems.
When the mission hinges on synchronizing multiple sensor suites tracking multiple targets from a variety of remote geographical locations, we incorporate intuitive Command and Control graphical user interfaces, high precision mechanical and electronic assemblies, and an open architecture interface to work seamlessly with existing networks.
The Advanced EO team is made up of experts in the fields of electrical and mechanical engineering, optical design and analysis, IR thermography, 3D solid modeling (CAD/CAM), and precision machining and assembly.
Advanced EO systems are currently utilized by US Customs and Border Patrol, US Marine Corps, US Air Force, US Navy, US Department of Homeland Security, NASA, the Panama Canal, the South Korean Navy, Saudi Aramco Oil, and MIT Lincoln Labs.
Advanced EO Systems, Inc. started in the commercial video products business in 1974 as Pacific Video Products. We began focusing on military and homeland security applications with the formation of PVP Advanced EO Systems in 1997, assembling a team of experienced engineers from Ford Aerospace Corporation. Today, it is our mission to provide our customers with the best surveillance systems possible, with the utmost in customer support and delivery, unsurpassed by our competition. Our state-of-the-art facility combines design, fabrication, assembly, integration and testing under one roof, with a world class team working toward the common goal of maintaining our global leadership in surveillance technology systems.